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Monday, August 31, 2009


Animated Angels
Just wanted you to know... :)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Protectors of the Deep

Are we the only creatures that angels protect? I would think that to be an absurd and arrogant idea. We should be shepherds over other species. It is not only our purpose, but also our privilege.
God gave us dominion over the earth and its creatures, but look at what we have done. Each day some species goes extinct. During a quiet time alone we should look deep within and ask ourselves, "How could we better serve our planet and our God?' How could we rise to become Angels of the Earth ourselves?"

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Angel of the Rose

She walks gracefully in the garden and nurtures the flowers. Her favorite is the rose filled with passion and awe. Barely stopping to rest, she waters them and pulls out stray weeds. Her work is never ending and her patience equally matched. Their beauty is reflected in how she carries herself and tends the garden without complaint. Their strength shows in her capacity to love.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Do Angels Wonder?

I wonder if angels wonder.

I read that angels do not possess the one thing that we as humans adore - the power to choose. It bothers me to think that they could be void beings. Look at all the good they do. It's hard to believe that they would have no thought process at all.

Perhaps their concerns are different from ours. Perhaps being elevated in status they do not have to indulge in wishful thinking or daydreaming. Maybe their minds are simply filled with praise for God. It would certainly make sense to me if it was like that.

In the meantime I will think... and dream my dreams... and wonder...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Teddy Angel

Although there are conflicting accounts as to the exact story behind the teddy bear and who precisely was the first one to create it, there is absolutely no doubt for whom it is named. Our 26th president, Theodore 'Teddy' Roosevelt is the bear's namesake.

My curiosity deepens however at the notion of growing up and not having one. I wonder what children did before 1902. Who exactly helped them through the dark nights? Who soothed their feelings when they fell down and skinned their knees? Ah yes, such mysteries of the universe haunt my soul.

Many a tired and hurting child have been loved and comforted by their teddy bears... little angels lined in faux fur resembling a true bear but harboring no teeth to gnash away at the fragile skin of such young things. Yes, truly angels in their own right.

Where is yours?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Necessary Angels

My Angel came today in the form of bad news. How could that be, you ask?

No wings. No halo. No disconnected spirit being. Harsh reality was my angel for today. At first I was upset. No one wants to hear anything less than perfect about their health. But saccharin coating was not going to help anything today. No... I needed to hear the stark truth.

As truths go, it wasn't so bad really. I still have choices where so many do not. I am grateful though perhaps not as whole as I was two days ago. No, Angels aren't always cute. But they are always necessary.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Twice On Sunday

Angel or no angel? Who's to say? See what you will. Believe what you will. My job is presentation. It is up to you to decide for yourself.

In letters dated 1951 to William Doidge, a first world war soldier, a man named Doug claimed he had seen an Angel before the accident that killed many of his comrades who were training for the D-Day invasion.

Doug further asserted that he and a companion, Chuck, witnessed a pontoon bridge collapse under the weight of armored vehicles, killing over twenty soldiers.

On the eve of that disaster Doug said that he and Chuck had seen an Angel hover where the men would later drown. The letter states: "The whole thing took on the shape of what I can only describe as an Angel. I could see what looked like a long white robe. It had no feet and there were shapes like wings behind its shoulders."

Although Chuck died on Omaha Beach, Doug's letter and accompanying film seem to reveal the image of an Angel to us.

Twice on Sunday... it's a good thing.


A bebe is God's indication that he isn't finished with us yet. He is willing to give us just one more chance to prove our worth to him. He gives his word that hasn't given up on us.

As we gaze upon that perfect being wrapped in white, we are brought back to a time when we ourselves were just born. How hazy that time is for us. We had all the answers then because God had just given them to us. Think hard! Do you remember? It's all right... none of us do.

So when the infant angel visits you, think back, way back. Think about the time you knew you were perfect just as you were. Use that vision to see yourself (and others) with now. Bebe-Eyes. Childlike and perfect and God-willed.

Aren't Sundays wonderful?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

It's Saturday

It's Saturday. The forecast is very hot and sunny. It's a good day to get out and enjoy all that God has given us. Maybe we can go to the beach and lay in the sun. Or perhaps just stay home and enjoy all that we have. Wherever your travels take you today look for angels along the way. If you don't find one, then sit quietly at sunset and watch the colors melt one into the other. If you're lucky you may feel the brush of wings on your cheek as the sun dips below the horizon.

Friday, August 14, 2009

By Telephone

Perhaps you will find your angel on the other end of the telephone line today. It may be someone you have been wondering about or thinking a lot about lately. It could be that they have been thinking of you too. (And yes, that's Alexander Graham Bell speaking into a telephone prototype in 1876.) Now be an angel and call someone. They might just be waiting for you.

Fur Angel

I was told long ago that the only way I could find unconditional love was through three ways: God, children and pets. Not having a direct link to God, I set about to find it in the other ways. This boy, Barney, showed me more than I could ever have learned any other way. May you find your angel... and soon.