They're going to fuss. I can't help that. But good turns deserve at least acknowledgement if not applause.
Seventeen short days ago (seems like forever now), I was facing homelessness within hours. The previous week had been filled with literally dozens of phone calls. I found resources dry and empty. To say I was scared is an understatement.
As a last resort, I placed an ad on craigslist. I hated the idea of using it once again. My experiences had been horrible, if not terrifying. But there was nothing left to do, no more places to call. I was at the end of my rope.
That was a Sunday. I had a meltdown with my best friend on the phone that evening. He said I sounded pitiful. What a horrible thing to hear that. I couldn't bear to tell him the level of despair I felt inside, but obviously it came through in the conversation. As always, he said to leave it up to God, that things would happen. All I knew was that at noon on Tuesday I would be homeless.
Monday found the usual newsletters and such in my email inbox. And there was another one. I thought it might be junk mail, but opened it anyway. The subject line read - About your ad on craigslist. I had seen the spam that people send. I knew it was just one more.
Much to my surprise and delight, it was an actual response. But when they told me where they lived, I lost all hope. In the interim, between whatever resources I had and those of a friend, we bought two more days where we were living. That gave me until Thursday at noon.
Subsequent emails with my one responder looked encouraging. But I dared not hope too much. They were over an hour away. How would I get there? I had no more money to make a long trip like that?
I did what I was told by my friend - I prayed... and I requested prayer wherever I could find it. I was assured 'things were happening out in God's world." I was still holding my breath.
Then the email came that said we could talk on the phone. I was nervous to say the least. Her voice was soft and kind... and reassuring. She said that they would be able to come to get me. I stammered for words. I felt myself ready to cry. I heard myself saying, "But I have no money." The words were met with loving kindness. She assured me that we would "worry about that later."
By Monday evening I had a new place to go to on Thursday. As It turned out, Wednesday was a better day, and so on Wednesday evening, I met my new host family.
That was seventeen days ago. It's almost as if I can't remember a time not knowing them. I know, it sounds strange, but I swear, that's what it feels like. Like a hand in a glove.
By day two they were addressing me as Aunt Sally. And so the story continues for a couple more months. Since I've been here I have been afforded another opportunity to move to where I really want to be.
The sadness and disappointment was visible on their faces as I announced the news. Both of them extended their happiness for me. But I could see how they felt.
You see, I've always believed that water seeks its own level, that people get the people in their life that they are really looking for. Now I wouldn't have said that about three weeks ago, but then I had to be there to get here. And so even though that experience was painful, I'd gladly go through it again to be where I am.
My angels? Who are they?
They are a young couple, both laid off and struggling. But both with hearts of gold. They were looking for a roommate to help with expenses. But they were looking for someone who needed help, not just anyone who might be looking.
When I think of all the ads posted every day, I know this was Divine Intervention. I needed respite and someone who was respectful. I have found that and more. I don't see this as a temporary blip in this thing called my life. I see this as a lasting friendship despite the age difference. This was truly a meeting arranged by God.
I'd like you to meet my new niece and nephew, Tina and Paul. Like all of us, they have dreams, dreams that are on hold for the time being. But armed with goodness in their hearts and the love of God guiding them, they will find those things they desire the most.
I'm not sure if they desired me in their lives... but God saw fit to have us meet. I don't believe in coincidence. I call them God incidents. So if you have the hankering, will you offer up a prayer for my angels? Ask God to bestow on them all that they need... and maybe some of what they want.
Thanks for dropping by again. It's been much too long that I have been gone. I'll be back soon. Love ya.....