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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Necessary Angels

As the angel dances upon the water and is the water, we need to be grateful for the abundant supply we have. Many do not have the luxury of fresh, clean water on this planet.

We need to turn back to the simple things in life and know that the most basic necessities are to be celebrated: food, shelter, clothing, the air we breathe, and yes, pure, crystal clear water.

May the angel of necessity follow you and provide all your needs.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Grocery Wrangler

If you're like me, angels come and go in and out of your life. I don't mean the kind with wings and halos, rather those who walk into your day and just make it brighter.

It could be the clerk at the grocery store who offers a kind word as you're fumbling around looking for some change. Or maybe it's the stranger in passing who talks to you and smiles as if they have known you for a lifetime.

And then...

There are times when it's one of the people you are the closest to who surprise you the most.

Yesterday it was someone close to me who rushed in to save my day. Surely his halo shines bright.

He had come to take me shopping... that beginning of the month ordeal where you don't even know where to start.

His patience was impeccable. And his help equally so. It's difficult getting around with a cane and feeling like you are slowing everyone else down. But you couldn't tell if it did bother him.

Four stores and two hours later we approached my building and I was exhausted. I had to forgo grocery shopping because my body just wouldn't allow it. I was whipped, done, finis!!!

He retrieved one of the grocery carts on site and loaded it up with all the bags. I felt so grateful. I don't know how I would have gotten all this done without help. In that respect, the beginning of the month is a humbling experience for me. I have to accept the help I so willingly gave for so many years. It isn't easy. Getting old has many drawbacks. For me it is hard to accept help. I've always believed that if I couldn't do it, it didn't need to be done. What flawed thinking!

Upon entering the lobby we were met by several people announcing the bad news - the elevator was out of order. Had I been alone coming out of a taxi or off the bus, I would have been stranded there waiting for the repairman to come and fix it.

But my angel said, "That's all right I can get all this up there." And so he did... all six floors! Ah, the privilege of youth! At 17 he had everything up and in the apartment in two trips up those 78 steps. (Yes, I counted them.) I was so very grateful that I had not had the energy left to get the grocery shopping done.

All I had to do then was somehow make the steps on my own steam. I had done that the previous day when, again, the elevator had been ill. With back, joint and breathing problems that is no small task, but I made it, stopping every few steps and resting to catch my breath.

So who was this angel sent by God? My friend's son, BJ. He is 17, God-filled, and one of the sweetest and most gentle souls I have ever had the privilege to call friend.

The song you hear playing is his favorite song, 'Who Are You When I'm Not Looking by Blake Shelton. I don't have to wonder who you are when I'm not looking. I have felt the brush of your wings.

Thank you, BJ. You saved me and I am grateful for you and your kindness. Next time I will cook for you!!!

p.s. I ate your candy... and you ran away with my mop... haha But I still love you... kiss kiss