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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Renewal and Peace

I want a quiet respite. A time where I don't need to perform, or be what is expected of me to be, a time where I can just 'be.'

I seek out the oasis in my life and welcome the calmness. Rippling waters flow on their way to nowhere. Birds sing in eloquent melodies. Light is filtered through the leaves of nearby trees, softening the glow.

I wait for the angel to come in the tranquility of the moment to soothe my spirits and center my soul. It is then I can return to my 'normal' life and go on regenerated, cleansed and renewed.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Transformation

In the blink of an eye our hearts can be transformed. It's that perfect word said at the perfect time by the perfect person.

You never know when it may happen. You may never know exactly why. But the one thing you are left knowing for certain is that you will never again be the same.

May your angels reach out and touch you. May you open your heart to new feelings and adventures. May you be transformed... forever.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Coffee Angel

More wisdom has been imparted, more burdens shared, and more spontaneous laughter has occurred over a simple cup of coffee than all the board room negotiations and diplomatic conventions combined.

Angels are your neighbors, your friends who drop in to check on you and the loved ones you live with.

Be a Dear and put the coffee pot on. I'll be right over. Don't forget the cream and sugar!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Autumn Angel

CLICK HERE FOR Witchy's Wikked Graphix
CLICK HERE FOR Witchy's Wikked Graphix

Winter is coming all too soon. Let us reflect upon the passing autumn bright with its reds and golds. Let us be thankful for the richness and warmth of the colors as the stark white of winter yearns to come forth.

Remember the falling leaves... swirling in the twilight as the harvest moon rose to meet the darkness. Remind yourself of the briskness of the first frost and the herald of the foliage.

And then just let it pass... it all passes sooner or later. Look ahead to new fallen snow, children's laughter at Christmas, and the coming of the new year.

Sway back and forth in your mind with the leaves and know the gentleness that the Autumn Angel brought with her. Let go of her hand and bundle up for the winter.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Our Heart's Desires

Could we but see from God's viewpoint, the presence of angels would astonish us. Our eyes are dimmed by our heart's desires. Too busy are we to choose to seek out the angels in our lives. Too much time is spent looking inward when, if we but took the time, the angels which flock to us would be seen.

What does your heart desire today?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Angels Ascending

How I wish I could see an event like this... Angels ascending to the throne of God. How glorious a feeling that must be.

I would just be happy to be a witness.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Angels Watching Over Us

How comforting is it to know that angels watch over us day and night? In good times and bad, through illness and health, and while working and playing. How God must love us to bestow such goodness on us.

Do you thank Him every day?

Monday, November 2, 2009

Angels Among Us


God gives us angels to mend our hearts and minds. They lift us up. They encourage us. They tell us the truth even if it means our feelings might be hurt. We know they would never do anything maliciously.

They laugh with us. They cry with us. They share our victories and divide our burdens. They give wings to our dreams and make our hearts soar to levels we never thought we could achieve.

They work with us, live with us and play with us. They share every day of our existence. They sometimes know things before we do.

Who are these mysterious angel creatures? I like to call them Friends.